300 W. Merrill St. Birmingham, MI 48009 | (248) 647-1700
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Here are some titles available in the library in February:


Holmes is Missing by James Patterson and Brian Sitts

Tap here to read the review. 

The Guardian:

An African History of Africa by Zeinab Badawi

Tap here to read the review.


Dirtbag Queen by Andy Corren

Tap here to read the review.

Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart and other stories by  GennaRose Nethercott

Tap here to read the review.

We Do Not Part by Han Kang

Tap here to read the review.

Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix

Tap here to read the review.

The NerdDaily:

Babylonia by Constanza Cosati

Tap here to read the review.


Brooke Shields is not allowed to get old by Brooke Shields

Tap here to read the review.

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